Keala Stevens Photography

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Shining the Light on Dawn


Puppy life you must agree is surely magic. From the endless milk supply, to mom’s smothering kisses and multiple siblings to keep you warm, how can it be better than to be born a puppy? If that weren’t enough, after a few months with mom, a new family brings you into their home showering you with you guessed it, MORE LOVE. Yes, puppy life is surely magic.

While this story is typical for most puppies, for others the path is a longer more difficult one. Dawn is one such puppy and this is her story. A story of a dog whose start in life though rough, was always destined for new beginnings. Just like her name.


A background shrouded in mystery, we’ll never know what transpired the first months of Dawn’s life. Was she a stray? Did she have a family? Was she loved? No one is certain. What is known is that in May of 2022 at just three months old, Dawn was surrendered into an animal shelter in grave condition. With her bones protruding and muscles wasting, Dawn was barely hanging on.

Dawn in an animal shelter.

Emaciated but receiving care.

In the arms of safety at the animal shelter, Dawn was placed with a foster family to expedite her return to health. With a care program in place, things were looking up for Dawn. Or so it seemed.

Focusing on a healthy weight recovery, her fosters quickly noticed something was amiss. Despite a normal feeding schedule, Dawn’s appetite remained voracious and each meal was followed by severe bouts of diarrhea. Most worrisome however, Dawn’s health continued its rapid decline.

Alarmed at the events unfolding, the shelter had Dawn looked at by vets and specialists who over the next month, prescribed everything from antibiotics to supplements. But with each recheck, only a hard truth would be confirmed. Dawn was not improving. Perplexed by it all, concern for Dawn’s survival grew in direct proportion to the piling questions.

Back at the shelter, a dedicated staff member researched Dawn’s symptoms and found an insidious condition that matched her symptoms perfectly. Trouble was, the condition was rare. So rare even experts were dubious and with a costly blood test the only means to confirm it, the decision was to stay the current course and hope for the best. But as the days came and went without change, shelter staff continued to rally around Dawn and suggest the blood test be run. Persistence paid off. After two months of struggling, Dawn had her blood tested and what happened next would surprise them all.

Dawn still weak, tired and terribly thin.


Dawn was diagnosed with a rare condition called EPI (exocrine pancreatic insufficiency). EPI is the inability of the body’s pancreas (a gland responsible for digestion) to absorb fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Simply put, no matter what Dawn ate, her body couldn’t absorb the nutrition she so badly needed. EPI is a serious condition and left untreated, dogs with EPI are guaranteed death.


As the saying goes, knowing is half the battle but in Dawn’s case, it was the only battle. With the mystery of her condition solved, Dawn was transitioned to a rescue group with an experienced foster family well suited to providing the targeted care required for healing. And heal Dawn did! With the proper foods, B12 vitamins and most importantly, the enzymes her body could not and would never produce, Dawn made a swift and remarkable turn around. She grew like a sprout in both weight and inches. And along with the physical improvements, her personality also blossomed. Despite her hardships, Dawn proved to be a loving and sweet dog.


From May through December, Dawn’s journey was a story of dedication on part of rescue staff and volunteers as well as a story of determination from Dawn herself. Now fully recovered, on meeting Dawn one would never guess she endured such difficulty so early in life. Dawn is athletic, an explorer and a very sweet girl. She loves hiking and sniffing all the wonderful things nature has to offer.

Dawn is ready for her dedicated family who can share outdoor adventures, cuddles and most importantly commit to the proper care and feeding required for her to live. EPI is a lifelong but manageable condition. Our hope is the right family will hear Dawn’s story and give her the life she deserves. Because true to her namesake, Dawn will light the lives of those who’ll let her in.

If you’re interested in learning more about Dawn, you can start by reviewing details here at her adoption page. Dawn is being cared for by SPOT Saving Pets One At a Time.

UPDATE: January 2023 - Dawn landed herself an amazing forever home and enjoys time playing and sleeping with her new brother Finn a Pittie Mix. Thank goodness for all those wonderful people who give rescue and special need rescues a chance at life!